Saturday, August 23, 2008

Chihuly at the de Young

This exhibit is probably the most amazing one I've ever seen. I recommend anyone who lives in the bay area to get their butts over to the de Young Museum and get a ticket and see it. The photos don't do it justice. 

I had a random stranger tell me to go see this exhibit and I hadn't even of heard of it, and I've been recommended to see exhibits in the past but never thought twice about it, but for some reason this time around I really had a strange urge to go see it. My favorite part of the exhibit is the room with a clear glass ceiling, and when you look up there are hundreds of pieces of blown pieces of glass, making it feel like you are under the sea with color jelly fish. Each piece is intricate and beautifully crafted. Go see it, you're missing out if you don't. 

view more photos at my myspace page:

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